FREE Ebook:

7 strategies for riding success

With Coach Charlotte Christopher

Welcome to My Equestrian Life with me,  Charlotte Christopher Equestrian Mental Performance Coach


What is your idea of a successful equestrian life?

For some that might be being a successful competitor or maybe it might be building a harmonious relationship with your horse or perhaps being able to enjoy hacking out with confidence. Whatever your goals and ambitions it’s my belief that the right mindset, self-belief and an understanding of effective strategies for skill acquisition can help riders achieve their outcomes

Ride with confidence
Many riders struggle with fear and anxiety when riding. Using a fusion of NLP and psychological techniques I work with riders to understand the reasons behind their fears and anxiety, helping them overcome them and build a more positive and confident mindset.

Learn with confidence
Using a combination of coaching and psychological skills I work with riders to help them build strategies for improved performance. Empowering riders to take ownership of their learning and progress.

Compete with confidence
I often work with riders who struggle to replicate the standard of performance they can achieve at home or in their coaching sessions in the competition arena. Developing a riders competition mindset can give riders the edge to perform at their best.



Lets talk about Deliberate Practice

Lets talk about overcoming fear and anxiety


“In our ridden sessions and 1-1 coaching mindset sessions, Charlotte has helped me gradually increase my confidence and helped me overcome situations I previously thought were insurmountable by breaking them down to small manageable steps. Charlotte is an excellent coach who understands me very well and knows how to help me continuously grow and develop.”

Inge Studnik

“Working with Charlotte has really enabled me to refine my mental approach to not only riding and training, but competing on the international stage. Leading into the 2020 Tokyo Games, it has been incredibly important for me to be able to focus on the key things that will ensure I can perform at my best. Working with Charlotte has definitely assisted me over the past 18 months which has only been proven by our selection to the Australian Para Dressage team heading to Tokyo!”

Amelia White

Charlotte has been a huge help with my riding generally but more importantly, for me has helped increase my overall confidence in the saddle significantly. She focuses not just on my horse and my position when teaching me, but also helps me to understand how my brain is working when I am riding, particularly when my horse is being a bit naughty or not behaving as expected. As someone who has previously lost their confidence, this is really important to me and Charlotte has given me the tools, both in terms of how I ride but also how I think about things when I ride, to help us make some big improvements in our ridden work.

Tash Wilson

The coaching sessions I have had with Charlotte have taken me from being scared to canter over a pole to being able to happily jump a small course of jumps. The sessions are really interesting and Charlotte is so supportive throughout. The skills I have learnt have not only helped me be less nervous of jumping but have also helped me with everyday aspects of my life, I couldn’t recommend the coaching enough!

Ella Compton


When competing I can get nervous, which affects my riding ability when out. Although I’m an NLP Master Practitioner, putting it into practice for me isn’t always easy. Charlotte has helped me with my competition nerves through a number of techniques including visualisation, anchoring, looking at my self schema and home practice. Although I can still get nervous in some scenarios, I’m a lot better in others to the point I’ve stopped over riding at dressage competitions and I can now actually ride instead of being a rabbit in the headlights

Cheryl dollery



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4 Steps to overcome rider anxiety

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